Friday, November 26, 2010

I don't believe in goodbyes

Only see you laters. 

Oh hello there! This blog if for my friends and family and anyone else who wants to keep tabs on me as I adventure halfway across the world to begin my new life as an English teacher in Thailand.  Call it what you want; bold, brave, crazy, adventurous, you name it I've heard it, but this is what I will be doing for the next year of my life.

Now, I have to paint you a portrait of who I am as a person in order for you to understand why I am packing my life into a suitcase and a duffle bag, boarding a boeing 777 and landing in a foreign country to teach english to a bunch of Asians.  I will also try to answer all your questions, or at least the ones I got asked most often...

As many of you know I graduated with a BS from San Diego State University in the school of business with an emphasis in Integrated Marketing Communications.  What is that you ask? Doesn't matter because it relates to teaching english abroad oh...not at all.  My decision to take on this project stemmed from my desire to find a fulfilling full time job, one of which I could be passionate about.  Upon graduation I was working two part time jobs, making good money, but a turn of events caused me to really look at what I valued in a job.  None of the full time job offers I got seemed to meet these needs.  So I decided to get away from society's pressures of getting my business career going as soon as the cap and gown came off and do something I actually want to do.

I love traveling and exploring.  I also have a passion for new cultures and foreign languages.  Teaching abroad seemed like a great opportunity.   The program I am going through can be found at this website just in case you want to look into it.  LanguageCorps

I begin my training in Phnom Phen, Cambodia and finish training in Pattaya, Thailand.  From there I can find a job in any city that has a need for english teachers.  I will most likely be teaching at the high school or elementary level.

Why Thailand? Have you google imaged Thailand before? It's gorgeous.

Are you going by yourself? Yes, technically I am going by myself but I love meeting new people so the idea of making new friends is exciting.

Aren't you scared?  It's a very bizarre feeling being nervous, excited, freaked out, and anxious all at the same time.

Is this your own Eat Pray Love journey? Yes and No.  This is not a trip where I need to "find out who I am," I have a pretty good grasp on that already, but if I learn something new about myself along the way, so be it.

You're effing crazy.  Yeah but only the best people are. ;)

I miss everyone so much but I will see you all very soon.

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